
Ali film industry for the future holdings of Amoy votes

Perhaps in response to the dark environment of the theater, Ali Film Group has once again chosen to announce in the evening.

Ali Liye, an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of Ali Film, entered into an equity transfer agreement with six minority shareholders. Ali Film will acquire the Amoy Tickets held by these shareholders, totaling approximately 9.12% and the total price of approximately RMB1.333 billion.

After the acquisition, Ali Film will hold about 96.71% stake in Amoy Tickets, while the latter will be valued at $ 14.6 billion.

For the holdings, Ali Film Board of Directors that "full holdings of Hangzhou Chenxi shares, is committed to Amoy Tickets to build the Group's film industry's new infrastructure, the core platform to meet the Group's long-term strategic deployment and business planning Needs, is conducive to promoting the rapid development of the Group's business for the shareholders of the Company to create higher value.

Into the human version is: "Amoy ticket is the core of Ali film industry, holdings in the future to increase revenue", but I always feel that this can also be understood to reduce future losses, trouble.

Of course, although it has always been value, interests, but for now, Amoy votes to Ali film industry has nothing to bring benefits.